The core idea of the book is captured in a few early quotes: ‘Almost everything is noise’, ‘Only a few things really matter’, ‘What are the trade-offs?’. It’s about ruthlessly focusing only on the things that actually matter to you, and being painfully aware of the opportunity costs of low value activities and constant distraction.

A quick chapter-by-chapter summary:

For a book about essentialism, it has an awful lot of filler. All the best advice on changing behavior hammers on the importance of focusing on a few, specific, high-impact, actionable items rather than drowning people in a tsunami of information - advice that this book itself repeats but does not follow. So here is my alternate, condensed advice:

Schedule regular periods of time to think, whether that’s a day every month to think about your life or ten minutes every hour to plan your work. Put it in your calender, use a pomodoro timer, whatever. During those periods:

That’s it. Being explicit about goals and making time to reflect and correct course is 90% of this book. The rest is noise. Not worthless, but not worthwhile enough to spend time reading.